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WoHenNi (Offline)
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04-13-2010, 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
べんり benri
ふくざつ fukuzatsu
いじわる ijiwaru
びんぼう binbou
しんせつ shinsetsu
ばか baka
Why na adjective usually finish with e? Unless I misunderstood, in that case sorry.
No, I'd wager you're correct. I'm still learning Japanese and I'm nowhere near perfect.

I was just explaining what my Japanese Sensei explained to me and the way I understood it. But... you've open up a discussion so I've done a bit of research. ^^

From what I could find... there are ~いand ~な adjectives... as well as quasi-adjectives. Quasi-adjectives appear to end in every other sound except "E" and I didn't find many that ended in a definite ~い (doesn't include "Ri", or "Ki" etc.) I have no idea. This is just from what I've seen. So... please not that the above has NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever. You draw you own conclusions from what you know.

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