Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Hey, hey, hey! I've got another triplet to divide and conquer!
やっぱり「逃走」って漢文で、上級な日本語なんだけど 、「逃げる」と「逃げ出す」と「逃れる」はどうちがう のかな〜っと。
Edit: Moreover, 「解かす」と「溶かす」はどう違うの?
「かな~っと」の使い方がメッチャ自然やん。おっさん ホンマ米国人かいな!
「逃げる」 is the most generic with many meanings such as to run away from someone, to escape from danger or arrest, to flee, to take flight, to shirk one's duty, etc.
「逃げ出す」 has two (sets of) meanings.
1. 「逃げる」
2. 「逃げ始める」.
For #1, 逃げる and 逃げ出す are often interchageable. In fact, the only exceptions I can think of is that kids only say 逃げる in tag. The other one is when two guys are performing an illegal activity and one notices the police car siren and says to the other "逃げろ". He sure won't say "逃げ出せ".
「逃れる」 is different in that it often doesn't involve physical "running". You can 逃れる from responsibility, punishment, job, yapping wife, etc.
「解かす」 and 「溶かす」, in the average Japanese person's daily life, are completely interchangeable. No one really cares as they had been one word before we had letters.
In some dictionaries, however, you will see 解かす defined as "to melt ice or snow", and 溶かす as "to dissove in water".