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YuniYasha (Offline)
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Differences in kono/kore sono/sore ano/are - 04-14-2010, 05:40 PM


I'm currently independently studying Japanese from a textbook I bought. One of the Lessons is about using Kono,Sono,Ano and Kore/Sore/are, and the book isn't too clear on the subject.

I was just curious as to a few differences between them. Now, from my understanding kore/sore/are is only for Non-Human things (according to my book) but you can use both for things like Cars,books, etc.

Can anyone explain to me the differences between them, and maybe provide a few examples where I should use one over the other? Thank you very much. 

Last edited by YuniYasha : 04-14-2010 at 05:45 PM.
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