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chryuop (Offline)
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04-14-2010, 06:53 PM

A little extra...I was in doubt whether I should have introduced this or not since you are new to the language.

The 2 ways of saying "that" are also used to refer to something spoken before without having to repeat the name of the object (or person). The main difference is that by using あの/あれ both the speaker and the listener know the object/person talked about. When you use その/それ is used when the person speaking doesn't know the object/person, but the one listening does. I will try to give you a couple of example...if I find my textbook lol my brain doesn't feel like working too much.

A) 田中さんを知っていますか。 Do you know Mr. Tanaka?
B) いいえ。その人はどんな人ですか。 No, what kind of person is he?

A) 田中さんを知っていますか。 Do you know Mr. Tanaka?
B) はい。あの人はアメリカに行ったそうですね Yes, I have heard he went to the USA.

Moreover, in written Japanese the series そ is used to refer to something spoken beforehand without having to repeat the object/person.
私は昨日"Halloween"という映画を見ました。それはとても� ��白かったです。
Yesterday I watched a movie called "Halloween". IT was very inetersting.

P.S. I couldn't find the textbook so I had make up the examples. Sorry if they are pityfull LOL...actually in the last one you wouldn't even need to use the subjects, but I did just to make you understand.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
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