Originally Posted by Sanjikun
I want to study in Japan, and I do have 2 years of teaching experience, I don't want to waste 2-4 years of my life in a place i don't want to be studying something i'm not interested in just so I can go to Japan, there must be another way...
You could always try to apply to programmes such as Jet. If they accept your application you'll be able to stay in Japan for a year as a teaching assistant, with the possibility of renewing for several more years. It's not a guarantee they'll say yes as it's a very popular option, but it's worth looking into.
Also, if you can afford to, you could go to Japan for a month or so and apply for jobs in person. I could be wrong but you may be able to get a job that way without a degree, but you'd need to fly out of the country whilst certain paperwork necessary for a visa takes place. Other users may be able to correct me on this, or add detail.
Teaching experience is always a good thing, but without a degree I'd imagine your options are limited. Also getting jobs in other areas is very hard for foriegners because obviously an excellent grasp of Japanese is needed for most other jobs, and why hire from abroad when you can hire from home? I'm sure it's possible for you to move there and work, but it'll be hard.
Edit: Sorry, I see you said 'study' and not 'work'. I really don't know about studying in Japan or being a student there, but hopefully other users can help you.