Originally Posted by robhol
How about a thread each for romaji, kana and for the more advanced users, kana + kanji? Personally I think that having a "kanji-free zone" could be useful, because not everyone ( *cough*  ) are that familiar with them yet even if they do have the kana down.
I'm not trying to discourage use of kanjis, it's just that people could lose a little heart when getting 50 kanjis they don't know in their face all of a sudden, I guess. In that case there could be a thread that doesn't use kanji, or just a few of them. Just a suggestion.
Hmm, See, I'm not so sure it should be split on the type of writing quite like that. That seems to push beginners into the romaji thread, and would split lower intermediates up between the no kanji 'gana thread and the advanced one. At the moment, feedback from 'gana readers determines whether or not the respondent uses Kanji and that seems to work quite well; the learner can ascribe what they're given to some extent. Plus experienced Japanese users will be able to guess what sort of characters the questioner can read. If there's a beginner's thread, it's very obviously going to be romaji, hiragana and simple kanji only, and it's easy to add in gana readings of kanji. At intermediate, then it's more of a mix of gana and kanji; but those learners should be more equipped to go and look up kanji they don't know, and again, at that level the respondents would be aware that they might need to provide furigana. At advanced, well, that's the same thing really, but they can go look it up themselves.
That i think, would match people's questions and levels of japanese learning more effectively.
The only reason the "50 kanji in the face" thing happens at the moment is because people pose surprisingly complicated questions, like a quote from a manga, asking "what does this mean?" without stating their level of Japanese. Then are rather "Lol whut?" when they get a paragraph mostly in Japanese about grammar. Which is no fun for the respondent either; they just wasted their time and it gets frustrating.