Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi
You know, if you were born on a planet where everyone was so "stylish" like her, you would probably be using "smurf lipstick" by now.
But since you have been born on this planet, in your country, with a different sense of fashion, you wouldn't.
Using such a harsh word to categorize that girls sense of fashion... It's just repulsing.
You could just have said that that girls sense of fashion is not to your liking. You have no right to call someone ridiculous.
Don't you know that it's that kind of attitude that prevents people from actually showing who they are?
Probably even you want to go out in a "sailor moon" dress but you are too afraid of society's reaction.
To be honest, I don't actually find that girls sense of fashion to my liking, but I don't have the right to call her ridiculous. I wanted to see peoples opinions, so I said otherwise.
I think people are allowed to say other people's fashion senses are ridiculous. As long as you aren't hurting anyone you can say what you like about someone elses fashion, it's probably best keeping your opinion to yourself if the person is physically in front of you because it's rude.
I dress in Lolita, Cosplay and so on regularly, but the way the girl has put together the outfit wouldn't flatter
anyone. My fashion sense isn't typical either, and I've had far worse than someone saying my outfit is ridiculous. If that's as far as it went I'd be pretty happy with that