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(#41 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
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Join Date: Mar 2008
04-18-2010, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
Wait, what?

You say that people are allowed to say other people's fashion senses are ridiculous, yet "as long as you aren't hurting anyone"?

Won't you just hurt them by saying that?

Saying that she wouldn't flatter anyone in that outfit is generalizing to much. We are 6 billions - can you vouch for all of them?

Well, probably not everyone
can take it like you. There are very sensitive people who have the right to dress whatever they like without hearing "HEY YOU FREAK" or anything of the sort.

deteriorating someone is repulsing.
As Columbine said, of course it would hurt them if I said it directly to them (so I wouldn't, unless asked), but it's a random internet picture, she's not going to hear it. And YOU posted the picture, if you didn't want opinions on it then you shouldn't have posted it.

And I didn't say she wouldn't flatter anyone, I said the outfit wouldn't flatter anyone. And I meant in terms of the typical, general population, not every single person in the entire world.

PVC is hard to pull off. Neon blue lipstick is hard to pull off. Blonde hair when your hair is obviously not blonde naturally is hard to pull off. Liquid eyeliner is hard to pull off. And those type of headresses are difficult to pull off. All these combined are fairly impossible to pull off in my opinion.

In an ideal world, people could be all happy and wear what they want and not be called out for it. But this is far from an ideal world, and people have freedom of speech anyway.

Oh and as a side note: I'm the fashion moderator! I encourgage alternative fashion and love it. I'm allowed to have an opinion on this outfit, just as you are. You'd have every right to like it, and so does the person wearing it.
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