This thread is very interesting to me as my wife and I are trying our best to separate the two languages for our baby son. We now live in Scotland and I speak to him in English and her in Japanese, but she speaks English to me in front of him.
I some times let the odd Japanese word slip out (bad habits), but I try my best to not speak Japanese in front of him. I did hear that bilingual children are supposed to start speaking a little later and to actually read real experiences of this are somewhat settling. He is only 6 months at the moment, but we are trying really hard to engage him in both languages like reading books in both languages and speaking to him all the time.
Any advice that you could offer me to improve what we are currently doing? Do you think my wife should stop speaking English? She is trying hard to improve her level while she is living here, as we will eventually move back to Japan when I have acquired enough teaching experience here in Scotland.
I will keep an eye on this thread I think.