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Blitzwing85 (Offline)
マーク - 戦士
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04-19-2010, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Ok, this isn't just you, it's something I see fairly often, but what makes you think there are lots of host families for adults in Japan? Is it a common thing where you live for a family to let some foreign adult move in with them? Sure, there are some families that host exchange students but the max is usually high school age. Many Japanese homes are smaller and so the practice of renting out spare rooms to a stranger is not at all common in my experience. If I wanted to go to England, as a 38 year old man, could I find a British family to host me for a while to really see what British family life is like? Are there agencies for that sort of thing?

Sorry for the mini-rant...
Well i've already looked into this and although it's not as common as younger people doing homestay, the option is still available.
I've found more than 1 website which allows UK travellers to stay with a Japanese family although they do require to find out a lot about you beforehand.
They have various Japanese families in towns around the coutry and will set you up with 1 which suits your requirements.

I believe as long as you have a genuine interest in the culture in question, there would be people willing to let you stay.
I mean i'd be happy to have an older person from Japan stay with me. And in all honesty i'd prefer that to a younger person. I would have little or no interest in conversing with a 17-18 year old as they would be much younger than myself.
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