Originally Posted by RobinMask
Just for the record, I wasn't doubting the relevance of Open Univeristy qualifications, and I realise their value and importance. I simply thought you were doing what it actually called an 'open degree' with the Open Uni, which is a formal degree but comprised of a variety of courses from different subject areas, which is also how you made it sound. I'm sorry if I was wrong.
Regardless as you've explained it seems you've really looked into the matter, and I didn't realise that experience counts for more than the qualifications themselves. I can see why a degree of any sort would help you, and I truly wish you luck in achieving your goals 
Apologies for not clarifying that. I'm not doing 100% in 1 subject but almost all of it is. But like i say the 10% from another subject is purely because my current qualification covers level 1 Engineering. However due to not studying for 4-5 years i wanted to start back at level 1 to get back into it. Afterall, my company pays for it so i might as well learn even more.
But i do agree that a full 'open degree' is a little pointless.
Some people just like to keep studying because they are scared of getting into the real world and getting a job.
I found by having a job since i left school and studying at the same time that other employers much prefer this over University students.
End of the day it shows i have acheived the same qualification as them, in the same time frame and all the while putting it all into practise every day at work.
I know from personal experience of Uni graduates coming into my company that they generally don't know half of what they think they do. Things you only learn by working, and things you can not be taught.
Thanks, nice of you to say so.
As for moving to Japan, my company actually has a premises in Japan. However it's only a sales office and when looking at the website only 2-3 of them actually look Japanese...which kind of defeats the point.
Although, at least i'd get to have a bit experience of working life in Japan if i went out there for a few months. Maybe a possible option to consider, although again...if i was single it'd be easy. Not so much as i am not leaving my partner for 3 months!!!