Originally Posted by kvcnext
Ah, thankyou very much. This first one is short, thanking a band for coming to Europe. I'd like to be able to mail them and thank them.
Thank you so much for coming to Europe! It means so much to us European fans that you are traveling so far to let us hear your music. I hope you all enjoy yourselves very much and please look after yourself.
My translation should be good enough, but I stress that I feel uncomfortable with some of the phrasing because I tried to track your English as closely as possible, which required me to learn a couple new phrases—namely the "means so much to ~" equivalent in Japanese. I also really hate writing sentences in Japanese that are as long as your second in English.
Question for a better speaker than I: is it OK to use 旅行する in this case for "travel this far"? I always felt more like that was for vacations. Is 移動する a better alternative? That sounds really standoffish and formal to me. Maybe just 遠く来る instead? That's what I'll go with.
As I continued translating it, I felt less and less sure of my translation that closely tracked your English (the second sentence was long and I felt my Japanese was getting muddied up). Might I offer a Japanese equivalent that doesn't run on like yours does in English? Also, it's less formal since you're a fan writing to a band. Judging by how I've seen artists write blogs to their fans, I'm guessing this level of informality is OK:
Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
ヨーロッパのツアーの日程をありがとう!ここまで遠く 来るって大ファンにとって重要な意味を持つ。来た時に 気をつけて、楽しんでね!
Thanks for the European tour dates! It means a lot to your big fans that you'd come this far. When you've come here, take care and have fun!
But I postface (opposite of preface?) this by saying that if someone comes here claiming to have a better translation than I (Sashimister, YuriTokoro, MMM, Nyororin, Delacroix, Columbine, and allhailhata might), you should go with that.