Originally Posted by WeeFugu
So you think I am okay in what I am doing then Nyororin? If and when we move to Japan I plan to label everything in the house with an English/Japanese label it is going to look like a shop. I am already teaching him phonics using Jolly Phonics inspired songs and gestures. He just sits there and looks at me smiling, but there is no harm in starting as early as possible. I sing the JP songs in the shower all the time anyway being a P1 teacher. Hehe.
My wife speaks to him in Japanese and has a few lovely books that she reads to him, as well as singing Japanese nursery rhymes from a CD her Mum sent us over. We are having lots of fun with him the moment, and it is going to be a wonderful day when he says his first word! 
I don`t think there should be any trouble as long as there is some sort of set pattern. There just have to be enough strong clues to give him the chance to sort things out. I would just be sure to make it a rule that your wife speaks to him in only Japanese (not just most of the time, or on occasion) and that you speak to him in English all of the time (without some Japanese thrown in here and there.) Of course, this may already be the case.
The sort of "mixing" to avoid is speaking a bit in Japanese here, a bit in English there, and so on without any sort of pattern to it.
Good luck, and it truly is wonderful when they do start talking to you. I had to wait 4 years for mine, but it is so much more fun when they start telling you things.