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(#13 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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04-20-2010, 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
So からもis just something like 'regardless'? Is it always like that when following a noun? I understand how it can mean 'also from' eg: けれども彼は腕や脚を動かすことができ、記憶障害から も回復しつつあります。
However, he can still move his arms and legs and is (also) recovering from memory loss.
But i'm still not sure how to use it in other contexts.
No, no, I just used "regardless" for the translation sake.

Narrator was trying to look cool and indifferent even though it must have been pretty obvious to the ladies that he was acting somewhat strangely.
The following is what went through my head:
どんな私の様子からも = 私がどんな状態であったと しても = 私がどんな様子に見えたとしても = no matter what situation I might have looked to be in = regardless of how (bad) I might have looked.

"From" isn't even so far off because one other way to translate どんな私の様子からも would be "getting judged from all of my possible actions/looks, etc.".
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