Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki
Exactly. Unlike my small little dispatch "company" (really just one guy who negotiates with the BOE). We've all been here between two and five years, with no plans to leave, and with good teaching evaluations, and some of us had previous teaching experience.
It does matter who you hire. Gee, I wonder why.
Are you aware that under Japanese law you are only supposed to be contracted via your dispatch agency for only one year? And that after that one year your BOE is supposed to hire you and pay you directly? All ALTs who work for the same dispatch company for over a year are being screwed. Your dispatch "agency" is taking about 1/3 of
your money, and probably kicking back a little bit to the members of the BOE. Your annual contacts are worded in a way to them appear legal, but in substance, they are not.
This is ALT dispatch agency teacher-scamming scheme is another matter which is going to have to be resolved in the future.