Tensing squarely, I answered as though I were a soldier.
42)女は暫らく、じつと私の顔を眺めてゐたが、やが て世慣れた調子で話しかけた。
For a moment she fixedly scrutinized my face but before long spoke to me again in that accustomed manner.
“Please excuse me for asking, but you’re a student of Tokyo University, aren’t you?”
I was stumped for an answer.
44)「いいえ」といふ否定の言葉が、直ちに瞬間に口 に浮んだ。けれども次の瞬間には、帽子のことが頭に浮 んで、どきりと冷汗を流してしまつた。
The words to deny it, to say ‘no’, at once leapt to my tongue. Yet a second later I remembered the hat I was wearing and I broke out into shock and a cold sweat.
45)私は考へる余裕もなく、混乱して曖昧の返事をし た。
Without time to think, I gave a confused, vague answer.
Though "time" looks okay, more native speakers would take this 余裕 to mean "inner reserves".
“Then you are….”
She asked as though
浴せかける means "to shoot (questions) at someone", "bombard questions", etc.
47)「秋元子爵の御子息ですね。私はよく知つて居ま すわ。」
“You’re Count Akimoto’s son are you not? I know your family well.”
48)私は今度こそ大きな声で、はつきりと返事をした 。
This time in a loud voice I answered plainly. “No. I’m not.”
49)けれども女は、尚疑ひ深さうに私を見つめた。或 る理由の知れないはにかみと、不安な懸念とにせき立て られて、私は女づれを後に残し、速足でずんずんと先に 行つてしまつた。Despite this, she still looked at me with deep doubt. Urged on by anxious fear and a certain reason’s unknown signs of embarrassment, at a quick march I went on ahead, leaving the girls behind me. (Can you explain づれ at all? I got a bit confused with it)
"a certain reason's unknown signs of embarrassment"? If this sounds good to you, I'm cool. My non-native translation was "a bout of inexplicable shyness" but I don't know how it sounds in an English ear.
づれ < つれ = 連れ= company. 女づれ = female company.
50)私がホテルに帰つた時、偶然にもその娘等が、隣 室の客であることを発見した。
When I returned to the hotel I discovered that by some fate the girls were guests in the room next to mine.[/quote]
Good. It's getting exciting.