Originally Posted by tandakku
In class, we're learning about one base verbs and five base verbs (at least that's what I hear when I'm not going into a confused state... and that is what's on the sheet I was given).
I don't see any difference between the one base or five base verbs. How can I tell which is which?
Also, how am I supposed to tell what endings to put onto the dictionary forms of these verbs? For taberu it goes... tabemasu, tabenai, tabemasen.
But how am I supposed to know the others? Is it complete memorization, or..?
This exact same question has been answered on here in the past month.
This should be your thought process as you're learning:
1. does it end in /eru/ or /iru/? If not, it's godan ("five base" as you call it)
2. if it does, assume it's one base unless you've memorized otherwise
Memorize all five base that end in /iru/ or /eru/. One example is 帰る, which is a five base rather than one base.