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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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hello again:) - 04-25-2010, 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
I have no idea. *laughs* Koirrrrr~ we need your input. You do hear people in the UK say "Where's your shoes" or "Where's my keys", quite often. And of course, if you were to correct the apostrophe, it would read "Where is your shoes" and "where is my keys", but we never say it like that. It's always "Where are XXX" or "Where's XXX".
I see.

I heard an american man said the other day
"She go...and He go..." instead of S/he goes/

Hmm, it's difficult because ages are treated slightly differently than numbers in English. Mostly when we say "more than 2" we're dealing with whole numbers. "More than 2 people," "more than 2 apples" "more than 2 cars". And you can't have 2.0001 apples or 2.0001 people, because you can only count them in wholes. 2.0001 people would be like 2 people and a finger, but you can't call a finger a person. The same with apples. 2.0001 apples might be 2 whole apples plus a fragment more apple, but again, you can't call just a fragment of apple "An apple". So we'd use something like weight to express what 2 and a bit apples is instead, for example, 100g of apple.
I just laught when I read the finger part, I loved it!

I see... so the word "more" can be used for counting numbers?
so if I want to use 5.5 % or something like that kind of number I should use "over" ?

I wouldn't use "how young are you" to an older person, unless I knew their personality, but then I'm just a kid still really and that sort of joking from people my age can come across as cheeky; like I'm highlighting their age and making fun of it. However, I think from you, it would be much more acceptable.
Yes you are right.
It will highlight their age and some wouldn't like it.

*laughs* I think your skydiving scenario is OK. A lot of people might still ask "How old were you then?" but for the situation "how young were you" would fit; because the stress of the conversation is that the kid was exceptionally young to be going skydiving!
Thank you Columbine san
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