Recommend me a new manga? -
04-25-2010, 07:41 PM
I've been reading some manga lately in order to get some practice in reading Japanese - starting small, I know, but it's a way to read while having fun, so I thought it seemed like a good plan. However, the current series is starting to run out on me and there aren't too many chapters left until I need something else to read.
In short: I'm looking for a manga that's funny, has furigana (they're a must for the time being, I must ashamedly admit) and, preferably, one that has a decent English translation out. That way I can continue with the "system" I've been using until now. (Reading the Japanese version first, understanding what I can and looking up what I don't, and then cross-checking with the translation to see if I got the gist of it.)
Thanks in advance.