Originally Posted by blind89
I create a topic which discusses Japanese culture... And it will be deleted without any announcement. Also, I receive a private message ( I don't know whose is it, may be mod?), whose content is "Go Fuck Yourselves". Is this the usual way people behave at the forum? And is member only allowed to discuss good things of japan and praise it? Bad things of Japan are banned here? Is it right? I doubt that this topic is also deleted hahaha.
To my knowledge the forum allows open, costructive discussion on all matters. The other posters who've replied to you have made good points, and if you read the rules you should see what error you committed. If - after reviewing the rules - you are still unsure what you did wrong then I'd suggest private messaging a moderator and asking them. The moderators should be able to tell you what rule you broke and why the thread was taken down.