I can assure you that the PM you received was not from a mod.
I checked the thread that was removed, and can tell you why it was. You were blatantly trolling, posting incorrect information to try and get a rise out of people, and pushing into spam territory. We get tons of spammers who post message after message after message of posts like yours, so take a hard line on removing the posts.
If you want discussion - try contributing in a NORMAL manner to other threads instead of starting threads out of the blue that toss around misinformation, spout extreme urban legends, and that have no possible purpose other than to troll... And maybe you`ll be taken more seriously. A first post like that says only that you are trolling, not trying to start any sort of discussion.
If you have any more complaints, feel free to PM me.
Originally Posted by seiki
My only guess would be that you put negative remarks or begged for a girlfriend.
You hit it on the head. A bunch of recycled urban legends and extreme negativity, followed by a "so what do you think of Japan now?"
I have a feeling this new user will not be around for long.