Originally Posted by JapanForum111
Is the yakuza problem in japan really that bad?
It depends on what you consider "bad". Plenty exist, and are often very obviously so. Do they usually
do anything? No. But they tend to make people uncomfortable, and can cause businesses problems... So they will ban them the way they can without actually pointing out the underlying reason by blocking the most popular way of displaying affiliation - tattoos. As tattoos aren`t popular with the rest of the population, it`s a pretty easy way to block the people they want to block without blocking those they don`t.
I have met a few in my time here, and they`ve all been "normal" people. Long long ago one of my friends went out with a guy who was low level, and he was pretty understanding about the whole thing and before going out anywhere he`d actually call to check the policies. (刺青入ってるんやけど、どうや?) Apparently if confronted about it at the place he`d have been obligated to make a scene, and didn`t want to.