Originally Posted by Nyororin
It depends on what you consider "bad". Plenty exist, and are often very obviously so. Do they usually do anything? No.
I have met a few in my time here, and they`ve all been "normal" people. Long long ago one of my friends went out with a guy who was low level, and he was pretty understanding about the whole thing and before going out anywhere he`d actually call to check the policies. (刺青入ってるんやけど、どうや?) Apparently if confronted about it at the place he`d have been obligated to make a scene, and didn`t want to.
Am I right in thinking it's not so much the ~yakuza~ per se who cause the greatest problems, because as you say, they're pretty laid back for a gang culture, but the chinese gangs who also have tattoos and well, make the yakuza look like a bunch of pussycats. That's what I heard anyway; that the yakuza are becoming increasingly more subtle and the chinese/S.E Asian gangs are moving to fill the void for violent gang crime. Not that people's leeriness about yazuka is unfounded, but still... I guess might explain why some places are rigid about even tourists with tattoos entering.