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04-27-2010, 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by robhol View Post
I can see how the "master"/"inside the house" wouldn't be particularly popular. (Especially with feminists. )

Anyways, thanks for a long and enlightening answer.
And yet the "master" way of saying it is still totally normal and used all the time mainly by women, while the "inside the house" seems to be falling out of favor and only used by the older generation. (It is really only a phrase used by men.)

As for the distribution of kanji - really, it does come down to subject content and to a lesser extent the writer`s style. The more complex a passage is, the more likely it is to have lots of kanji. Both 80% and 10% seem like far extremes. Most passages are going to be somewhere between that.

Also, I think you have to keep in mind that one kanji is not one word. In more difficult texts you will find tons of multi-kanji words. 4 and 5 kanji words abound... So you can end up with countless kanji but not all that many words.

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