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clintjm (Offline)
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04-27-2010, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Though i think immigration reform is needed. This is not the answer to the problem it only gives law enforcement the right to stop and question any person they believe to be illegal.
What immigration reform did you have in mind?

The police must stop suspects with a primary offense as always; this hasn't changed. One must have identification in his or her possession when driving.

As for when not driving: Failure to provide identification to a police officer can be considered interfering with the officer's performance of their duties, which can get you in trouble. In any state you aren't required to carry an ID. However, the Supreme Court said that withholding ID from a police officer is not a protected activity under the 1st Amendment.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Given the location of the state and what majority of americans believe ill give you one guess whos going to be stopped and questioned. Its not whites its not blacks and its not asians its going to be Latino's. Now i understand that since Arizona is on the boarder of course thats who they were look at it. But imagine being a Latino American you were born here and being stopped 3-4 times a week asking to show ID.
Until the illegal alien issue is solved, authorities must go after those who are thought to be illegals. The fact is the illegal aliens in that area are Hispanic; just as Asian illegals are in other places. If you are being stopped 3 or 4 times a week for a primary offense then this person has other issues.

This is the same double standard presented when additional searches when Americans have to fly; even domestically.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Not to mention that so many people are misguided about illegal immigration. People screaming they dont pay taxes and that they are taking advantage of the medical,welfare and other service in the county.
They can use the ER and other government services without paying in the end. With millions of illegals doing this, it adds up. If a SSN is required, a fake one can be provided. Other forms of welfare other than cash are being used. Illegals don't pay income taxes if they are being paid under the table or provided an fake SSN.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
Also, majority of Illegals who have fake SSN actually pay higher taxes because they fear if they pay too little they will be examined or audited hence the government finding out they are illegal.
This doesn't make a lick of sense.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
If you want to immigrate here i have no problem with that but you have to do it lawfully those who break the law and are caught need to be identified, finger printed and put on list and sent back to their home country
Yet you don't want authorities to prove they are here legally by simply asking for ID if you are involved in questionable activity. How do you ID these illegals? What is you solution to the illegals that are here? Arizona isn't doing this for attention, they are doing it because they have to.

Many Arizonians welcome this and will consent to providing ID if they can get some control back, lower the crime rate and perhaps be able to help domestic employment.

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
not kept in jail with free food and shelter which will cost tax payers even more money. I believe in reform not the racial profiling which this law will undoubtedly create. I feel for Arizona residents since the Feds have done nothing to fix the problem but this is not right.
Until the borders are secured, the U.S. has to jail those whom break MORE than just crossing the border illegally because they are dangerous and will just re-cross the border and repeat if they don't.

It is true that keeping dangerous criminals in jail is a drain on the system but what is the alternative.
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