こんにちは、カイル!ああ、こんにちは!私のIPhoneどこ ですか?貴方のIphoneあれです。いいえ、あれは私のIPhone じゃありません。ああ、私はすみません。 あれは貴方 のIphoneですか?はい!あれは私のIphoneです、どうも ありがと!どういたしまして。。さようなら!はい 、さようならカイル!
"Hello, Kyle! Oh, hello! Where is my Iphone? Is that your Iphone over there? That is not my IPhone. Oh, I'm sorry. Is that your Iphone? Yes! That is my Iphone, thank you very much! Your welcome. Goodbye. yah, goodbye Kyle."
Well, it all depends on the relationship of the two speakers. For example, were it a university and tennis buddy and myself talking, it would probably begin with something like
I'm not going to make an attempt. I'm anxious to see how a native renders the "I'm sorry." You can't just say ごめん or anything like that in Japanese, because it sounds like it is your fault that the iPhone is not that one. I don't know how to render that part at all.
It's like in English:
A: My father died.
B: I'm sorry.
cannot translate that literally into Japanese:
A: 父はいなくなってしまいました。
B: ごめんなさい。
That sounds like B is apologizing for murdering A's father.