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(#3 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
04-28-2010, 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by CoreyLynn View Post
First off, I want to say that I'm sorry that this post must seem really repetitive and frustrating.

<: )

The idea of living in Japan is really appealing to me.
Haha, but, I do realize that I may not find a life there for myself appealing once seeing and living it, so I plan on taking a trip there in a year or two to see if it's something I love.

So, this post is to help me to decide if this is a path I want to pursue.

I've done just a little research and plan to do a whole lot more on it, but so far it's apparent that I need to get a college degree to make things just a bit easier, and a TEFL Certificate if I plan on teaching English as a second language.

My first questions are: How would I go about getting a TEFL Certificate? How old do I need to be to take the course? How long is the course? And, what does this course consist of?

I mean, I'd also really appreciate it if you maybe had a link for steps I'd need to take to really commit to that goal, or if you knew the steps from experience and/or knowledge.

Secondly, what are the real requirements for being a teacher abroad?

Currently, I'm a junior in high school, so are there steps I can take now to prepare myself for this option, if I choose it?

What are your recommendations and experiences for/from living in Japan.

How can I make it happen?

If you do or have lived in Japan why do you like it? Why didn't you like it? And what should I expect my life to be like if I were to actually LIVE there?

Lastly, if there are any tips on how I could my life a bit more easier for this transition, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks so very much for your time!
: )

(Sorry for bombarding you with all of these questions, haha)
First for info on the TEFL certificate, just google it. You should be able to find out on your own all that you need to know to get you on your way.

I have been in Japan for quite a while, and honestly your experience will be what you make of it. Your attitude, temperament, level of open-mindedness, and ability to look at things from other people's point of view will all play a key role in your level of happiness you attain here. I know this is a vague answer but your questions are a bit too broad. If you would like to know something specific about living in Japan please ask it.
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