Originally Posted by sarasi
No doubt your research has told you that the college degree doesn't just make things a bit easier, it is what actually makes it possible- no working visa without a degree (unless you have many years' work experience).
Like I've mentioned, I've only done a small amount of research. So I didn't realize that a college degree was what made it possible.
So, thank you very much for stating that!
: D
This whole "living in Japan" concept contains lot of steps I'm unfamiliar with, with me being so young and inexperienced.
So, again, wow, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
I do have a question about visa's though.
Again, this is one of the many things that I'm very unfamiliar with.
I understand that they have expiration dates, but how is the duration determined?
And when that deadline approaches, do you just renew it?
I'm sorry if I sound ignorant, but it's true, with this subject I'm just starting to learn about the requirements and processes that goes into it.
: )
I appreciate any response that you can give me.