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CoreyLynn (Offline)
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Posts: 38
Join Date: Apr 2010
04-30-2010, 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by manganimefan227 View Post
Don't forget to study both languages and be fluent in both. Again, have much paitence with getting used to the culture. Although, try not to think of the culture as an obstacle, it's a lot harder to appreciate it if you do. Always do your best to be optimistic aboutit. There's no doubt you'll have some sort of challenge, everyone does, no matter how prepared you come. Just be open and optimistic, and you'll make it
Thank you!
Yeah, luckily, I've already been planning to take Japanese language classes starting this summer or by this fall.
Because even if I don't pursue this route, Japan is definitely somewhere I'd like to go for a visit or two; knowing the language would be very beneficial to the trip.
: )

And I get what you mean: Keeping a positive attitude and open heart and mind about a situation will help toward getting through obstacles along the way.
I just hope that if I do decide to pursue this, I can remember to maintain it, which I think with the proper preparations, shouldn't be overly unbearable.


I've always found other cultures fascinating, and not just limiting that statement to Japan.
I mean, to be able to imagine a path where I'd be involved within a different culture is sort of surreal. Just thinking about the possibility is a joy in itself. It's sort of scary, but it's awesome at the same time.

Haha, but anyways, thanks so much for your post.
I didn't mean to ramble!
And, I appreciate the advice!



"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

---Marilyn Monroe
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