It was weird, because one day I had this sudden craving to look up gothic lolita, and YouTube was one of the sights I went to. Well, I ended up watching some visual kei videos as well, and the song playing on one of them was "Taion" by the GazettE. After that, J-rock, along with some J-pop, is mostly what I've been listening to ever since. For one, the singers don't usually sound like girls (*cough* Justin Bieber *coughcough*). Their voices instead are unique and sound amazing. I fell in love with the visual kei style as well, but that's a whole other subject. The music is actually about the music and not about the fame, which unfortunately is not the issue over here with most of the music I used to listen to. The songs are catchy, and it helped inspire me to start learning guitar again. I feel so full of life when I listen to it.