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Undertherose25 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 246
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Location: USA
05-03-2010, 07:34 PM

My husband is [1/2] Korean and he's never been interested in Asian girls. Then again his situation might be a bit unique he grew up with mixed race parents. He and I grew up pretty much together and I never once saw him interested in an Asian girl...he visits Korea a lot to see his mom's family but he did grow up in America. I asked him before we got married and he said Asian girls are a little too dramatic and he likes the softer "curvy" features of "white" girls better.

Another friend of mine who is also Korean moved back and forth from Korea and America since he was about 8. He never showed much interest in Korean girls he's almost 29 and he's only dated two [his last and current girlfriends]...he always told me that Asian girls tend to be "mean", whatever that means...

♥Proud Wife of a U.S. Airman♥

Dir en Grey
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