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(#6 (permalink))
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SceptileMaster (Offline)
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05-03-2010, 08:05 PM

Well I don't really have an opinion on this and I don't really know much about J-rock fashion but I think that you're thinking in a gender-stereotyped way. Clothes are clothes and people can wear what ever they want. How a certain sex should dress is generally gender-stereotyped by a history of things that make no sense in the same way that has discriminated against women throughout history (in the workplace for example). I don't see why the image of a tomboy with the t-shirt and jeans and so forth is any less feminine than what ever else the girl decides to wear.

The be proud of your gender comment doesn't really make sense to me either. You are who you are, the ideals behind the comment seem a bit chauvinistic.
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