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(#109 (permalink))
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ivorytoned (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 31
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: LA
05-03-2010, 08:07 PM

I always thought Emo was a spin off of goth. I can understand not wanting to be misunderstood with how many close minded people there are. At one point in my school some of the "popular" guys were planning to all get together and beat up everyone who wears black. They didn't care what the label of the style was or who the person was, they just hated people who whore black. I lived in a small town where everyone belonged to a certain group so everyone would get upset if you didn't know what they were. I was nothing so I got called goth, princess, prep, tomboy, otaku, geek, nerd, etc. After finally getting away from that my opinion is that if you like a certain outfit wear it. If you act a certain way, act that way. Don't put a label on it though. If people call you emo instead of saying "no I'm VK" just say no I'm (insert name here). when you give yourself ANY label you are limiting yourself. Maybe you get beat up, it happens. or if you have a group of friends that loves you you will be safe. In all that chaos I dressed how I wanted and was considered an outcast, but I kept it up and made so many friends of all different types who were more than willing to fight any battle for me.
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