Thread: Online Kanji
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(#2 (permalink))
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SceptileMaster (Offline)
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Location: UK
05-04-2010, 11:50 AM

If your use a Mac (or if you have an iPhone/iPod Touch) I suggest iKanji. It's really helped me for learning a kanji list recently. I learnt like another 60 or so kanji over the short easter break (excluding my holidays so that's about 10 or 11 days). Just keep it consistent and you'll have more kanji mastered in no time (having to study other things is probably the reason I only know about 230 kanji, you'd have no problem if you just one thing to study). Apart from that I'm not sure what to suggest since I use iKanji in conjunction with books for kanji (and then check stroke order videos on: wwkanji 2056 opeing page).

I've not used it but KanjiAlive looks okay for a kanji learning website. Maybe you should try it. Kanji alive: A free, web-based tool for learning to read and write Japanese kanji
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