Originally Posted by Nyororin
The question is WHEN. This was fairly common 5+ years ago. In the last 5 years? Not at all. Companies are willing to hire foreigners with skills and experience that they want, but aren`t willing to dish as much out of pocket to get them because there are simply so many people with the skills and experience who DO want to work in Japan and who are willing to work for much less just for the "thrill" of working in Japan. Not to mention the countless "fresh" graduates hunting for a job who have years of (part time) experience and years of intensive post-grad study programs under their belts.
A 20+ year experience top dog might still have a good chance to get into an "expat" position with all the frills, but it is simply NOT a good time and companies are the least willing to do anything special that they have ever been.
Welcome to the worldwide recession!
Originally Posted by Nyororin
If you want to throw a fit and shoot the messenger - fine. Do what you want. You seem to make the assumption that I know nothing and have no connections... Simply because I am not telling you what you want to hear or not the same thing as you have heard elsewhere (Which by the way seems to be a whole lot more "friends and family" than anything I have said...). You`re welcome to think whatever you like. I do not know what EVERY company in Japan does, nor have I ever claimed to do so. But I DO have enough knowledge (And not through "friends and family").
Rather than me rewriting this, just read it to yourself and imagine I've said it