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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-05-2010, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Rather than me rewriting this, just read it to yourself and imagine I've said it
Yes, but the difference is I`m in Japan and have just spent the past month working 10 hours a day translating financial documents for 8622 (8825 if you count companies that filed separately by branch) Japanese engineering and software companies with foreign employees... (As they have to submit all their information to the various countries and do so in English...)

Something I kind of doubt you`ve done.

And still have about 2000 to go. *sigh*
The market is simply NOT supporting the type of situation you are saying is reality. And the example you are giving is a guy who came along with a visa in hand and was lucky enough to get hired on somewhere. That is not the norm.

In with those have been 217 employment search documents for engineers from overseas - a number that has been dropping and dropping each year. These days they are looking for Japanese engineers with foreign language skills and are willing to invest more in training them.
Could you get very lucky and find a high paying position? Sure. But it`s not realistic to expect that. The reality is that most everyone is started out on the bottom rung, and those who were offered those huge salaries are being laid off left and right - being replaced with fresh grads and Chinese or Indian counterparts.

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