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(#28 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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05-05-2010, 01:20 PM

61)私はその長い前から、自分を偽つてゐる苦悩に耐 へなくなつてた。For a long time, I had been having to endure the guilt of my falsehood.


62)自分は一高の生徒でもなく、況んや貴族の息子で もない。それに図々しく制帽を被り、好い気になつて『 若様』と呼ばれて居る。I wasn’t a University of Tokyo student and I wasn’t the son of a nobleman. More to the point I was wearing this impudent hat and conceitedly being called “young master”.

Good. 況んや means "much less" or "let alone".

63)どんなに弁護して考へても、私は不良少年の典型 であり、彼等と同じ行為をしてゐるのである。Whatever defence I came up with, I seemed like a juvenile delinquent and they would surely think the same.

彼等と同じ行為をしてゐるのである means "I am acting the same way as them (the delinquents)."

64)私は悔恨に耐へなくなつた。そして一夜の中に行 李を調へ、出発しようと考へた。My regret did not go away and I even thought about packing my portmanteau in the middle of the night and leaving.


65)翌朝早く、私は裏山へ一人で登つた。そこには夏 草が繁つて居り、油蝉が木立に鳴いて居た。私は包から 帽子を出し、双手に握つてむしり切つた。Early the next morning I climbed to Urayama alone. There the grass grew lushly and the big brown cicadas sang in the trees. I took out the concealed hat and with both hands I tore it apart.

Good. 裏山 isn't a proper noun. It means "a hill behind (some place, in this case, the hotel)"

66)麦藁のべりべりと裂ける音が、不思議に悲しく胸 に迫つた。
The sound of the straw splitting and tearing was an oddly sad feeling.

Maybe more like "(the sound of ......) ached my heart in an oddly sad way"

67)その海老茶色のリボンでさへも、地面の泥にまみ れ、私の下駄に踏みつけられてゐた。
Even that maroon ribbon, smeared with mud from the ground, was trampled down by my shoe.

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