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TalnSG (Offline)
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05-07-2010, 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Social security should go, certainly. It's a massive drain on the system. If you want to keep it, then push retirement back 10 years...make sure retirement always stays 2 years from the average life exspectancy. That way we don't get people retireing and then liveing on social security for 30 years. That has nothing to do with being mean, it's being practical, average life exspectancy back when Social Security first started was 67.
Somehow I don't think you have ever worked in an office with someone who is only there to last until they can draw their social security. Those who wish to push back the retirement age should have to work for someone only 2 or 3 years short of it that by rights should have retired long ago. This is not a viable solution.

Retirement truly based on life expectancy would be seriously inequitable. Men have a shorter life expectancy and yet make more per capita, so they would drain the bulk of the benefits before women who also worked all their lives would ever see a dime.

Social security as it is now, is bank rupt, in part because congress used the money for other stuff, wich congress does, steals from funds.
That IS the prime cause of the failure of the system - misappropriation of funds. Congress dipping in for pet projects and endless, excessive litigation.

The concept of this country was founded on the idea that you be allowed the freedom to climb the mountain on your own. However, you are responsible for yourself when you climb. Sometimes you get to the top, a major achievement, sometimes you fall off and get hurt, or even die...that happens when you do things on your own. The only thing government is supposed to protect your right to actually climb said mountain. That's called one said it was easy.
Now that I can agree with, despite its complete impracticality at thsi point.

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