Originally Posted by Caerula
I have an (eventually a little bit stupid) question. But anyway, I would like to know, so here is it:
What is the difference between the meaning of あすand あした (in my vocabulary it´s both translated as “tomorrow”).
And what is the difference between the meaning of あさand ごぜん(here both are translated as “the morning”). Sorry, I have no spelling in Kanji - maybe this would have helped me to understand it better.
In the case of wrong translations, I would be happy about an amendment 
These aren't stupid questions. Both are good ones.
あす is more formal than あした. In kanji, they are both 明日. They both mean "tomorrow".
If you say to your friend or family member, "What are you doing tomorrow?", you will definitely use あした.
In business and other more formal situations, you will be expected to use あす.
(朝)あさ just means "morning". It may refer to any length of time from just a few minutes to a few hours. The words that should be learned with this is 昼(ひる= around noon) and 夜(よる = night).
(午前)ごぜん means more like "the hours before noon". You use it as opposed to "in the afternoon", which is (午後)ごご.