Originally Posted by robhol
I don't really speak Linguist (or whatever I'm supposed to call it) but that makes a lot more sense. Thank you. 
You may want to learn the basic terms that come up in grammar explanations, otherwise you may have some trouble understanding what they are talking about.
Originally Posted by robhol
I've also (I think) seen it after names, though. Does that make it more like "in X's case" or something?
No, for the "case" of something ~の場合 would be "In the case of ~"
You can look at examples here:
“の場合”の検索結果(519 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
KyleGoetz already said, こと means "Thing"
So ~のこと can be thought of as "Things of / about ~"
For example:
about my son. He has a high fever.
“のことなん”の検索結果(12 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
Another example would be something like: ~のこと好きだ。
“のこと 好き”の検索結果(120 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
Or even ~のことになると
When it comes to money, he is completely irresponsible.
“のことになると”の検索結果(11 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
I think it can just make things sound less direct too, which is a good thing.
By the way, if kanji on the internet is a big problem for you right now, I recommend using Firefox with