Originally Posted by Caerula
Hm, I can only offer it in Hiragana - and I had to translate it from romanji spelling. Because of this, there might be some mistakes. Sorry for that. But anyway, here is the whole thing.
Oh yeah, I could´nt find out the hiragana spelling for "wo" This is a particle I still don´t understand, because didn´t appear in any grammar books, I have.
かがやかしい おもいで きざまれた まま
かぜ は あおる みなと えつずくみち
いとしい その ひと wo おもう
きもち は ふゆ wo こえてゆく
It´s a stanza of a songtext.
I'm glad I asked for the context. かがやかしい おもいで きざまれた まま means "With glorious memories etched in my mind". It has nothing to do with "shattering".
The particle を usually functions as a direct object.
をおもう = I think about the person.
をたべる = (I) eat pizza.
をべんきょうする = (I) study Japanese.