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(#50 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
05-09-2010, 02:14 AM

Yes, work until death. I fully expect that anyway considering I'm not close to retirement and how debt is piled high nationally. Besides, what's retirement? that's an entirely 20th century idea. Yes, actually I have worked around those who were just waiting to last until "retirement", They would prolly still be alive today if they kept working.

I have also worked around those who were just planing to go back on to welfare as soon as possible too, lazy buggers did zip.

You can streamline half the government programs and as long as it's still government that controles those programs, decay and corruption will invaribly take over.

As to people who are sick or poor and sick, no I don't think the government should take care of them, I include myself should I end up sick. Friends , family, local community or church should do that. I think we as a nation are much less friendly because no one takes care of anyone anymore, we have a disimbodied "government" do it.

That's what I mean about takeing care of one's self, it's each person's responsability to take care of themself and look out for thier neighbor. Governments are too big and too seperated from local matters to be involved in that sort of thing. That's why they shouldn't be. You can't convince me that a large government will ever beat local community involvement.

My final arguement about why government should never go socialist.....GREECE.....
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