Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Well, while I'm in between jobs, I'm making a heavy push for JLPT1 success. 
Well I am sure you have your methods, I feel like subtleties like this are the concern of linguists and teachers. In my experience with the test knowing things like this was not necessary to get passed it. I mean there were questions like、 which sentence best uses this word.. and what word should be used in this sentence.. but there was never a decision to be made between 硬い、堅い or 固い etc.
For me it was most important to know shitloads of vocab, and have good reading comprehension skills (under pressure.. which really sucks...). Grammar-after I knew a certain number of advanced concepts it did not deserve much attention.
Listening.. yeah.. really random.. could never get a consistent score..
Anyhow I know you did not ask for advice on study methods so I will stop talking, but I do wish you the best of luck on the new test, I hear you will have to be able to pass all sections on the thing now, so I suppose every effort will really count. 頑張れ!