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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-11-2010, 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by robhol View Post

I realize this is most likely a pure typo and don't mean to point any fingers, I just want to point it out.
I wondered if anyone here would "correct" this.

I frequently have typed out things like "shi" and "tsu" and such here with a mind for the newbies who don't know any better.

However, if you go to Japan, you will find most Japanese people will use romaji like this: "gohan wo tukurimasita" instead of "gohan wo tsukurimashita." In fact, the official government romanization scheme in Japan writes shi/tsu/chi as si/tu/ti.

I've just frankly gotten a little tired of using one romanization scheme on JF and the (in my mind) superior one everywhere else, so I thought I'd make the transition back to what I prefer now.
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