Yabai is colloquial and basically interjectional, like: Oh, no!, Oops, Darn, etc...
And also means “chancy”, “hot”, “risky”.
Recently, however, among the youngers they often use this word as positive one. For example,
やばい品物! (Hot stuff !!)
この料理、やばい! (This dish terrifically tastes good !)
あいつら、ヤバイぜ! (Those guys are incredibly smart !)
Originally Posted by apopkin
We want it to be one name, something easy to say, simple, yet says, "Watch out these guys are good."
Thinking of the requirements you gave us above (in red), I recommend the word (yet still sounds weird to Japanese ear, but acceptable).
Sorry for my poor English, I hope you can grasp what I want to say.