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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-13-2010, 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by DewarHolmes View Post

I'm trying to learn the song 'Ue o Muite Arukou' (AKA:'Sukiyaki') by Kyu Sakamoto, and I thought I'd use it as a sort of grammar lesson/vocab enhancer.
Below is a link to a site displaying the original Japanese (Romaji) characters and the English translation, but I was wondering if someone might be able to help me with a literal translation (with the original syntax/words intact).
I have been able to piece some of it together by searching the internet but I can't find the translation of some of the words.
I appreciate any help. Thanks much.

Nihongo o Narau - Songs: Ue o Muite Arukou
1. the original Japanese is not romaji, but you probably already knew that

2. The translation is pretty word-for-word precise. But you asked for literal, so boy howdy am I ever going to give you literal
ACC = accusative
GER = gerund
VOL = volitional]
SUBJ = subject
NEG = negative
LOC = locative
GEN = genitive (I tend to call all usage of の "genitive" even if technically it's not, just for simplicity's sake)

上を向いて歩こう up-ACC face-GER walk-VOL
涙がこぼれないように tear-SUBJ fall-NEG so that
思い出す春の日 I-remember spring-GEN day
ひとりぼっちの夜 alone-GEN night

上を向いて歩こう up-ACC face-GER walk-VOL
にじんだ星を数えて well-up-PAST star-ACC count-GER
思い出す夏の日 I-remember summer-GEN day
ひとりぼっちの夜 alone-GEN night

幸せは雲の上に happiness-TOPIC cloud-GEN up-LOC
幸せは空の上に happiness-TOPIC sky-GEN up-LOC

上を向いて歩こう up-ACC face-GER walk-VOL
涙がこぼれないように tear-SUBJ fall-NEG so that
泣きながら歩く while crying I walk
ひとりぼっちの夜 alone-GEN night

思い出す秋の日 I-remember autumn-GEN day
ひとりぼっちの夜 alone-GEN night

悲しみは星の影に sadness-TOPIC star-GEN shadow-LOC
悲しみは月の影に sadness-TOPIC moon-GEN shadow-LOC

上を向いて歩こう up-ACC face-GER walk-VOL
涙がこぼれないように tear-SUBJ fall-NEG so that
泣きながら歩く while crying I walk
ひとりぼっちのよる alone-GEN night
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