Originally Posted by SceptileMaster
I like genki. I personally vouch for it. I don't like みんなの日本語 because of the way verb conjugation was taught. Teaching you verbs from their ます kind of form first then teaching you to conjugate them from that doesn't make much sense but I suppose the important thing is being able to speak it at the end of the road no matter how you got there. However, I have never used so Yookoso so I can't say anything about it.
Yookoso! also teaches ます form first. It was my biggest gripe, but it didn't hinder me in learning the language as far as I can tell. The biggest hindrance is all books lack of emphasis on learnings loads of kanji early on. It is the biggest hindrance because you eventually hit a point where you know all the major grammar, but nowhere near enough kanji or vocab to read even a newspaper article.
If you want my opinion, Japanese courses should be structured like this: Know about 500 your first year. Know 1000 your second year. Know 2000 your third year. Enjoy reading any newspaper article you want with little difficulty.
Obviously it works you hard, at a pace of 10/week your first two years, but it's very doable with even only an hour of kanji study a day during the week.
I'm doing a lot more than that with about 85% retention right now.