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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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05-14-2010, 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You make it sound like separating oneself from one's culture is like taking off a shirt. Yes, American sci-fi comes from an American perspective designed for an American audience.

District 9 is made by a South African director, and there are certainly South African themes in the movie. Does that make it a better or worse movie?

The reality is that we have never had contact with non-Earthlings (that we know of on a public nature) so to judge a movie or a genre about not being realistic about an experience that no one has ever had before is frankly nit-picky.
I dont mind cultural bias... but when those biases fly in the face of common sense (which the American ones do in the examples I gave) then yeah... call me nitpicky if you want but I cant take it seriously.
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