Originally Posted by Nyororin
腐女子 is used almost exclusively to refer to girls who like BL. I think it would be very weird to translate it literally as "decaying female", even if that is what the characters themselves mean. It`s really a play on 婦女子, turning it into something negative.
That was more my point rather than to actually imply they think the women are decaying. I was just trying to indicate that it's not a positive thing. Although I think Shoko-tan (a notorious female ヲタク/タレント in Japan) does apply the term to herself positively in an interview with Akiko Wada:
Dailymotion - Otakuology with Nakagawa Shoko - Part 1 - a Funny video
People usually don`t like anime just because it`s anime, nor do they like manga just because it`s manga.
Haha, when was the last time you went to the United States? There are tons of people who are absolutely indiscriminate about their anime/manga here. But yeah, a Japanese person won't talk like that, though.
it doesn`t seem to be too common for girls to be really into that sort of thing[computers].
Which I think is interesting considering computers didn't catch on in Japan like in the US because typing was and had always been seen as "women's work." I think this is why you see cute/pinup girls on the cover of computer mags in Japan like you do car mags in the US.