Originally Posted by Caerula
I guess, you have to seperate american and british english.
It seems to me, that the british english is generally more formal than the american. Correct me, when I´m wrong :-)
In school, we learned the british "oxford" english. But now, I´m mixing all sorts of english languages LOL I know, there are definitely differences between both, american and british.
Guten Tag, Caerula!
Actually, English textbooks in Japan don’t say which English they tell in the books.
I didn’t know British English is more formal that American.
In that case, I think I should study British as you have learned.
By the way, can I ask something about German language here? (I know I should ask only about English here, but I just want to know a little thing.)
I’ve heard that there are two sorts of German languages: the language spoken in your country, and a language tourists learn and speak. They say that the two German languages are different.
If I study German in Japan, is it much different from your language? Would you understand if I say something in German? Have you heard German language spoken by foreign people?